Can You Use Galvanized Pipe for Gas? (Tested by Experts!)

Can You Use Galvanized Pipe for Gas?

Are you aware that galvanized pipe can be utilized for natural gas?

This can be a surprise, as it is one of the few materials that cannot withstand high temperatures without being compromised.

Can You Use Galvanized Pipe for Gas?

Absolutely No, you should not use galvanized pipe for gas. Galvanized pipe is made of iron and coated with zinc to protect it from corrosion. However, the zinc coating can react with natural gas and produce dangerous fumes. Additionally, the zinc coating can flake off over time, leading to clogs and blockages in the pipe. For these reasons, galvanized pipe is not recommended for use with natural gas.

What Is Galvanized Pipe?

Galvanized pipe is a type of pipe that is made from steel and coated with zinc to protect it from corrosion.

It is commonly used for water supply lines, outdoor and underground applications, and for carrying natural gas and other liquids.

Galvanized pipe is strong and durable, and it can last for many years.

It is also resistant to rust and corrosion, making it an ideal choice for outdoor applications.

Galvanized pipe is available in a variety of sizes and thicknesses, and it can be cut to fit any application.

It is also relatively easy to install, making it a popular choice for DIY projects.

Galvanized pipe is an economical choice for many applications, and it is often used in plumbing, HVAC, and other industrial applications.

It is also a great choice for outdoor applications, as it is resistant to the elements and can withstand extreme temperatures.

Is Galvanized Steel Pipe Safe For Gas?

Galvanized steel pipe is not recommended for use with gas.

While it is a strong and durable material, it is not suitable for use with gas due to the potential for corrosion.

Galvanized steel is coated with a layer of zinc, which can react with the gas and cause corrosion.

This corrosion can lead to leaks and other problems, making it unsafe for use with gas.

Additionally, galvanized steel pipe is not as flexible as other types of pipe, making it difficult to install and maintain.

For these reasons, galvanized steel pipe is not recommended for use with gas.

What About Ungalvanized Steel Pipe?

Ungalvanized steel pipe is a cost-effective alternative to galvanized steel piping, but it’s not as durable – therefore it should be used sparingly.

For instance, ungalvanized steel piping could potentially be susceptible to wear and tear over time, causing leaks or other issues.

Pipes of this variety offer limited resistance when confronted by extreme temperatures; so don’t be taken by surprise if your hot water heater begins emitting steam!

Whatever your choice of metal piping system, there are several factors that can affect its longevity.

If you are concerned about budgeting, consider using GWP (Grade Of Steel Pipe) instead of an RGW grade.

GWP is just as durable as RGW but typically costs a little less.

Galvanized steel pipe is an affordable, readily available material that can be utilized for projects in a range of industries.

The galvanizing process consists of submerging the new pipe in a bath containing ammonium phosphate and sulfuric acid, which renders it pliable and resistant to corrosion.

Because it is not temperature-sensitive, galvanized pipe can be used in a wide range of applications, including residential gas lines, commercial gas lines, and oil and gas pipelines. 

When installing galvanized pipe, consult with a professional Gas Line Installer to ensure the installation is done correctly and meets all safety guidelines.

Does galvanized pipe react with natural gas?

The answer is yes, galvanized pipe can react with natural gas.

Galvanized pipe is made of steel that has been coated with a layer of zinc.

This layer of zinc helps to protect the steel from corrosion and rust.

However, when natural gas passes through the galvanized pipe, the zinc can react with the gas and form a corrosive compound.

This compound can cause the pipe to corrode and eventually fail.

It is important to note that this reaction is more likely to occur in older galvanized pipes that have been exposed to the elements for a long period of time.

If you have an older galvanized pipe, it is important to have it inspected regularly to ensure that it is not corroding.

If you are installing a new galvanized pipe, it is important to use a corrosion inhibitor to help protect the pipe from reacting with the natural gas.

How Can I Tell If It’s Unsafe To Use For Gas?

If you are uncertain whether or not galvanized pipe is safe for gas, then it’s imperative to ascertain whether it meets the required standards set forth by ASME.

1. Check for a strong gasoline smell.
2. Look for discoloration or sediment in the fuel.
3. Check for signs of water or other contaminants.
4. Check for a cloudy or hazy appearance.
5. Check for a sour or vinegar-like smell.
6. Check for a thick, syrupy consistency.
7. Check for a strong odor of alcohol.
8. Check for a strong odor of sulfur or other chemicals.
9. Check for a strong odor of paint thinner or other solvents.
10. Check for a strong odor of kerosene or other petroleum products.

What About Cast Iron Pipes?

Cast iron pipes can withstand exposure to temperatures up to 500°C without compromising their structural integrity.

It’s not uncommon for these materials to be utilized in the construction of power plants, oil refineries and other large-scale carbon processing facilities.

If you’re looking to utilize a steel pipe system, cast iron is an excellent choice because it offers a sturdier alternative.

Cast iron doesn’t corrode like galvanized steel, making it ideal if you plan on using your plumbing system longer than anticipated!

What Else Should I Know About Using Galvanized Steel Pipes for Gas?

1. Ensure that the galvanized steel pipe is rated for gas use.
2. Check the local building codes to ensure that the use of galvanized steel pipe is allowed for gas applications.
3. Make sure that the pipe is properly sealed and that all connections are secure.
4. Inspect the pipe for any signs of corrosion or damage before installation.
5. Use a pipe thread sealant to ensure a tight seal between the pipe and fittings.
6. Use a pipe wrench to tighten the connections.
7. Test the pipe for leaks after installation.
8. Monitor the pipe for any signs of corrosion or damage over time.
9. Replace the pipe if any signs of corrosion or damage are found.
10. Have a qualified professional inspect the pipe regularly.

What are the drawbacks of Using Galvanized Pipe for Gas?

1. Galvanized pipe is not approved for use with natural gas in many areas due to the potential for corrosion.

2. Galvanized pipe is not as durable as other types of pipe, such as black iron or copper, and can be more prone to leaks.

3. Galvanized pipe is more expensive than other types of pipe, and the cost of installation can be higher due to the need for specialized tools and fittings.

4. Galvanized pipe can be difficult to work with due to its weight and stiffness.

5. Galvanized pipe can be difficult to clean and can be prone to clogging.

6. Galvanized pipe can be difficult to repair if it becomes damaged.

7. Galvanized pipe can be more prone to rusting over time, which can lead to corrosion and leaks.

Why is Galvanized Steel Pipe not Safe For Gas?

Galvanized steel pipe is not safe for gas because it is not corrosion resistant.

Galvanized steel is coated with a layer of zinc, which is meant to protect the steel from rust and corrosion.

However, when exposed to certain gases, such as natural gas, the zinc coating can react with the gas and form a corrosive compound.

This compound can then corrode the steel, leading to leaks and other problems.

Additionally, galvanized steel is not as strong as other types of steel, making it more prone to cracking and other damage.

This can also lead to gas leaks. For these reasons, galvanized steel pipe is not recommended for use with gas.


In conclusion, it is not recommended to use galvanized pipe for gas.

Galvanized pipe is not designed to be used with gas and can corrode over time, leading to dangerous leaks and other issues.

Additionally, galvanized pipe is not approved for use with gas by most local building codes.

If you need to use a pipe for gas, it is best to use a black steel pipe that is approved for gas use.

This type of pipe is designed to be used with gas and is much less likely to corrode over time.

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