Does a Gas Pipe Need to Be Earthed? (Shocking Results!)

Does a Gas Pipe Need to Be Earthed?

The safety of gas pipes is essential for any home or business.

Ensuring that a gas pipe is properly earthed can help to reduce the risk of potential accidents and even fatalities in certain circumstances.

This article will provide an insight into why it’s important to earth your gas pipes, providing tips and advice on how best to do this correctly.

Does a Gas Pipe Need to Be Earthed?

Generally Speaking Yes, a gas pipe needs to be earthed. To ensure safe operations and the protection of personnel, it is generally recommended that all metallic pipes should be connected to an earth ground at least 6 ohms or lower in resistance. Additionally, any metal appliances connected to the gas line must also have their own separate grounding electrode system installed in order to eliminate potential sources of electrical shock hazards.

How much does it cost to bond a gas line?

To ensure that your installation is done correctly, you must hire a licensed contractor.

However, if you are doing it yourself and seeking to save some money on labor costs; consider employing an electrician or plumber instead.

In either case – be sure not to cut corners!

The cost of bonding can vary depending on the length of the pipeline being inspected along with the materials used and where they are obtained.

You should expect to spend between $100-$200 for this service alone.

Earthed gas pipes are a critical safety feature in any home or business.

By following the guidelines outlined in this article, you can ensure that your installation is done correctly and that any potential accidents are minimized.

Should gas pipe be grounded?

When it comes to establishing an electrical system for your home, one thing is always mandated: the power source must be connected to an electric outlet.

As an extension of this principle, it cannot be overlooked that all conduits and pipes – even those supplying gas – should likewise be grounded.

Don’t fret if you haven’t yet connected your house with a ground wire; don’t forget about it!

This isn’t any different from installing an electric outlet in your abode; it simply makes sense to complete both tasks simultaneously if possible.

Bonding a gas pipeline is an important safety step in order to reduce the risk of potential accidents.

When you are ready to take this step, be sure to consult with a licensed contractor.

Why does gas pipe need earthing?

Gas pipes need to be earthed for a variety of reasons.

  • Firstly, it is important to ensure that the gas pipes are properly earthed in order to prevent any potential electric shock hazards.
  • This is especially important in areas where there is a high risk of lightning strikes, as the earth provides a safe path for the electricity to travel away from the gas pipes.
  • Secondly, earthing the gas pipes helps to protect the pipes from corrosion, which can be caused by stray electrical currents.
  • Finally, earthing the gas pipes helps to ensure that the gas pipes are properly insulated from the surrounding environment, which helps to reduce the risk of gas leaks.

All in all, earthing the gas pipes is an important safety measure that should not be overlooked.

What if the electricity meter shows that your pipes are not earthed?

If a meter indicates that your gas appliances are not earthed, there is no need for alarm – it does not necessarily mean anything bad has happened!

Often, meters are installed incorrectly, and therefore give an inaccurate reading.

If this is happening to you, contact the supplier of your electricity service in order to have your meter replaced or corrected.

If you are uncertain whether or not an outlet or appliance has been correctly installed in relation to an electrical device, it may be prudent to seek assistance from an electrician.

What is the Purpose of Earthing a Gas Pipe?

For a multitude of reasons, both within the realm of legislation and common sense, it is advisable to ensure that your gas pipes are properly earthed.

This can be achieved through a variety of techniques, such as burying an individual segmentage cable or deploying grounding electrodes along the length of each pipe; depending on their utility demands!

To provide a comprehensive explanation for this essential requirement, let’s dive into what exactly makes up an electric circuit.

When two or more electrical devices are connected to one another, they form an electric circuit.

The circuit is completed when a voltage is applied between the two points and current flows through the device(s).

Since a gas pipe is an essential part of an electric circuit, it’s important that it is properly earthed to maintain safe and healthy operation of your home appliances and wiring.

Regulations for Earthing of Pipes:


1. All metallic pipes should be earthed to prevent electric shock.

2. The earthing of pipes should be carried out using a low impedance earth conductor.

3. The earth conductor must have a cross-sectional area equal to or greater than that of the pipe being earthed.

4. The earthing of pipes should be done at points close to the source of supply and at regular intervals along the route of the pipe work.

5. A galvanic bond should be provided between the pipe and its associated components such as valves, fittings etc., where practical and feasible to do so.

6. The earth conductor should be securely connected to the metallic pipe and its associated components with an appropriate mechanical clamping device and/or bonding tape or ferrule.

7. Earthing of gas pipes should be verified by a meter to ensure that all points along the route have been earthing.

8. It is mandatory to carry out an earth test annually on all gas mains, irrespective of whether or not they have been modified in any way since the last earth test was carried out.

9. The statutory notices “General Requirements for the Installation and Use of Electricity” and ” General Requirements for the Installation and Use of Gas” must be complied with when earthing gas pipes.

Potential Hazards and Risks with Failing to Earth the Pipe Properly:

To avoid possible issues with electricity, it is imperative that any home’s gas piping be in proper contact with the ground.

This connection is the only surefire way to ensure no electrocution will occur when lights or appliances are switched on; without it, any unforeseen surges can merely result in an unpleasant shock – not even a hint of danger!


1: Electric shock

2: Fire hazard

3: Corrosion of pipes or wiring 

4: Potential for water contamination 

5: Damage to equipment or appliances 

6: Potential for electrocution 

7: Property damage due to water leakage

However, improper installation of pipes and fittings can heighten the risk of injury by allowing people to penetrate unprotected areas within your house.

For example, if someone were to gain access to unplugged appliances such as a coffee pot or range top; they could potentially come into contact with energized parts of the system if these haven’t been fully turned off yet.

Benefits of Earthing a Gas Pipe:

1: Improved safety –

Earthing reduces the potential for electric shock.

2: Reduced risk of fire –

Electric current will travel to the ground rather than through combustible materials.

3: Reduced interference with electrical equipment –

Electrical interference can be minimized by earthing the gas pipe.

4: Reduced corrosion –

Corrosion of the gas pipe is reduced when it is earthed.

5: Improved reliability of equipment and systems –

Electrical systems and equipment are more reliable when earthing is properly done.

In addition to providing electrical grounding, earthing a gas pipe minimizes the risk of electric shock associated with exposed or ungrounded gas lines.

In an age when homes are increasingly filled with electronics – including television sets and computers – grounding an electrical cord can be a prudent measure to take.

By ensuring proper grounding schemes are in place for these devices, homeowners can minimize potential shocks!

Risks if Gas Pipe Not Earthed:

1: Electrical shock

– Earth provides a safe path for dissipating electrical energy, which reduces the risk of electrical shock. 

2: Fire hazard

– If the gas pipe is not earthed, it increases the risk of fire due to sparks created. 

3: Corrosion

– Without proper grounding, the metal components of the gas pipe could corrode and weaken due to electrolysis. 

4: Safety hazards

– Without proper grounding, workers may be at risk of electric shock when working with gas pipes. 

5: Poor performance

– An ungrounded gas pipe will not provide optimal performance, as it is operating without a safety circuit.

Installing an Earth to the Gas Pipe Step by step Guideline:

Installing an Earth to a Gas Pipe is essential for safety reasons and should be done according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Here is a step by step guideline on how you can do it correctly: 

Step 1: Turn off the main gas supply.

Step 2: Attach a flexible hose to the gas pipe.

Step 3: Fit the earth to the hose and secure it with a screw or clamp.

Step 4: Connect the earth to an Earth Bonding Terminal block.

Step 5: Connect the Earth Bonding Terminal block to the ground rod.

Step 6: Check for air leaks in the system by using an approved leak detector. 

 Step 7: Turn on the main gas supply and check for any leaks or irregularities. 

 Step 8: Test for electrical continuity between all points of connection by using an appropriate multimeter or ohmmeter. 


It can be an arduous task to discern whether or not a gas pipe needs to be earthed.

However, if you are in need of assistance with this matter or require more information then do not hesitate to contact us! We will be happy to assist!

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