How to Fix a Frigidaire Refrigerator Not Making Ice: 8 Fixes!

Frigidaire Refrigerator Not Making Ice but Water Works

Key Takeaways

  • The most common reasons for a Frigidaire refrigerator not making ice while water works include a clogged water filter, incorrect freezer temperature settings, and a malfunctioning ice maker or water line. Regular maintenance and checks are essential for optimal operation.
  • Troubleshooting steps for restoring ice production include ensuring the ice maker is turned on, checking for sufficient water pressure, inspecting for blocked water lines or filters, and verifying that the freezer temperature is set correctly between 0-5 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • If DIY troubleshooting doesn’t resolve the issue, it may be due to more complex problems like a faulty control board or water inlet valve, necessitating professional repair services to ensure your refrigerator runs smoothly without further complications.

Are you having trouble with your Frigidaire Refrigerator Not Making Ice but Water Works? This can be a frustrating problem, but don’t worry!

With some simple troubleshooting steps, you’ll soon be back to enjoying cold drinks on hot summer days. Keep reading to find out more about how to solve this common issue.

Frigidaire Refrigerator Not Making Ice but Water Works:

If your Frigidaire refrigerator is not making ice but water works, you may need to check the following components: 1) Make sure that the ice maker is turned on; 2) Ensure that there’s enough water pressure in the line leading to the fridge; and 3) Check if the temperature of your freezer is set between 0-5 degrees Fahrenheit. If all of these components are in working order, then it could be a more serious issue with either the icemaker itself or another part of your refrigerator.

8 Causes to Frigidaire Refrigerator Not Making Ice:

Frigidaire refrigerators are a popular appliance in many households, but they can stop making ice without warning. If your Frigidaire refrigerator isn’t making ice, there may be an underlying cause that needs to be addressed.

Here are eight of the most common causes as to why your Frigidaire refrigerator is not producing ice:

1. Water line disconnected:

The water line providing the fridge with water could have become disconnected or frozen due to low temperatures in the area.

Check behind and underneath the fridge for any loose connections or frozen pipes that need attention.

2. Components go bad:

It’s possible one of the components inside, such as a valve or filter, has gone bad and needs replacement or repair.

To investigate this issue further, you will need to expertly disassemble certain parts of your unit so it’s best left to experts who know what they’re doing when it comes to repairs of this nature.

3. Clogged water lines:

Clogged water lines due to sediment build up can prevent water from reaching the icemaker properly and thus impede its ability to produce ice cubes quickly enough for storage in its bin.

It is therefore recommended you check all internal filters regularly and flush out old particles using safe solutions like vinegar if necessary before replacing them with new ones according to instructions provided by your manufacturer manual..

4. Freezer temperature:

The freezer temperature may also be set too high which prevents frost buildup on evaporator coils required for formation of cube shaped pieces on top shelf instead we get slushy chunks at bottom tray usually indicating improper functioning thermostat settings.

Adjust accordingly until desired results achieved after verifying actual measurements against manufacturer guidelines .

5. Faulty main control board:

A faulty main control board located beneath inner compartment could affect proper electrical relay between defrost timer motor-compressor-freezer fan.

Allowing warm air circulation inhibit freezing process resulting increased humidity levels causing overgrowth bacteria ,mold growth within food containers leading contamination hence requiring professional assistance immediately if found defective component indeed !

6. Plastic door switch:

The plastic door switch connected outer door frame might malfunction preventing automatic shut off during open close motion breaking cold air flow tight seal leading accumulation condensation around edges diminishing cooling efficiency ; replace component once identified faulty condition exists!

7. Damaged gasket:

A damaged gasket surrounding sealing section wherever hinges join together unable hold tight fit letting warm environment pass into chamber ,replace worn part ensure no outside temperatures interfere normal operations again!.

8. Clogged drainage tubes:

Lastly clogged drainage tubes hindering meltwater exit through drain pan accumulate eventually spill onto floor possibly damaging flooring materials damage electronic wiring system near vicinity needing immediate repairs!

Troubleshoot Common Causes of Ice Maker Issues:

If your Frigidaire refrigerator is not making ice, there are several common causes you should troubleshoot.

  1. First, check that the power is connected to the unit. If it’s disconnected or a fuse has blown, reconnect or replace the fuse and restart your appliance.
  2. Next, ensure that the water supply line is securely attached from your home’s water source to the back of the fridge. If not properly connected, air can get into the lines and cause issues with ice production.
  3. If these steps don’t resolve your issue, then you may need to inspect inside for any blockages of frozen parts in either side of dual-ice makers (if applicable).
  4. To do this safely without risking damage to internal components requires careful manual defrosting via a hair dryer and/or towel-wrapped hot water bottles placed on areas where frosted buildup is visible.

You may also want to check if there’s enough clearance between walls and its compressor coils; insulation blocking air intake vents could be another culprit leading to poor performance as well as insufficient cooling temperatures within both compartments due to lack of proper circulation space around them.

Lastly verify all food items stored inside aren’t blocking off cold air flow which can affect overall system efficiency too!

Inspect the Water Filter and Replace if Necessary:

In order to check if the water filter needs replacing in a Frigidaire refrigerator, you should start by locating it.

In most models, the water filter can be found behind the kickplate or inside one of the crisper drawers.

Once located, take out and inspect it for any signs of damage such as cracks or breaks on its exterior surface.

If there is visible damage, then you will need to replace the filter with an identical model that is compatible with your refrigerator’s make and model number.

When installing a new water filter into your fridge, be sure to turn off all power sources first before proceeding so as not to cause any electrical shock hazards.

Also ensure that you have read through all instructions before installation and are aware of safety tips when handling electricity in general.

After putting in place the new filter correctly according to manufacturer guidelines, turn on power sources once again and test out whether dispensing from both ice maker and cold water tap works properly now!

Check for Obstructions in the Water Line or Dispenser Tube:

Checking for obstructions in the water line or dispenser tube is an important step when troubleshooting a Frigidaire refrigerator that is not making ice but has working water.

The most common cause of this issue is a clogged water filter, which stops the flow of water to the ice maker and can cause it to stop producing ice.

It’s also possible that something else might be blocking the passage of cold water into the unit — such as dirt, debris, or even kinks in the tubing — preventing it from reaching its destination.

In order to check for obstructions in your Frigidaire refrigerator’s water supply lines, first locate and remove any filters currently installed in your system; then follow each line from its source (where it enters through a wall) all the way up to where it plugs into your fridge.

If you come across anything out-of-the-ordinary like bent metal rods or plastic pieces lodged inside one of these pipes, use tweezers or needle nose pliers to carefully remove them.

Make sure there are no kinks present either; these can drastically reduce pressure and make it difficult for sufficient amounts of coldwater to reach certain parts within your appliance.

Finally, if after checking everything appears normal yet you still aren’t getting any ice cubes produced by your units’ icemaker; try replacing its filter with a new one purchased directly from Frigidaire’s website (or other authorized vendors).

This should help restore proper functionality and get those cubes flowing once again!

Verify the Freezer Temperature is Set Correctly:

Verifying the freezer temperature is one of the first steps in troubleshooting a Frigidaire refrigerator that is not making ice but still provides water.

It is important to check that this component of the fridge is correctly set, as an incorrect setting can prevent it from working properly and result in no ice being produced.

To verify the freezer temperature, you will need a thermometer such as an appliance thermometer or even a digital cooking thermometer.

Place this device in the centre of your freezer and let it sit for several minutes before taking its reading.

The correct amount should range between zero and five degrees Fahrenheit; if it reads lower than this then increase your thermostat settings accordingly until you achieve desired results.

If higher than five degrees, then reduce them until they are within range.

It’s also worth noting that some models may have different recommended settings; consult your user manual for specific details on what those values should be for optimal performance, particularly if using other features.

Such as fast freeze mode or energy saver mode which could affect overall temperatures inside the compartment differently from standard operation settings.

Ensure That the Ice Maker Shutoff Arm is Not Activated:

The shutoff arm is an important feature of the Frigidaire refrigerator.

It prevents the ice maker from producing ice when it’s not needed.

If the shutoff arm is in the raised position, it will prevent any water from entering into the ice maker and thus result in no production of ice.

To ensure that this isn’t a problem for your Frigidaire refrigerator, you need to check whether or not shutoff arm is activated.

This can be done by checking inside your freezer where you should see a small plastic arm which moves up and down depending on if there’s enough room in the freezer to store more cubes of ice.

If this switch has been turned off (pointing towards “up”) then you’ll need to move it back down so that it points toward “down” before attempting another cycle.

If after doing all these steps, your Frigidaire refrigerator still isn’t making any ice, then you may have to look at other causes such as blocked water lines or frozen fill tubes leading into your machine; however those are beyond what this article covers

Clean and Clear Any Frost Build-up Inside Freezer Compartment:

It is important to clean and clear any frost build-up inside the freezer compartment of a Frigidaire refrigerator if you find that it is not making ice but the water still works.

Frost buildup can prevent air from flowing freely, resulting in an ineffective cooling system. To clear the frost, unplug the fridge and leave both doors open for 24 hours.

This will allow all of the built up moisture to evaporate before cleaning with a soft cloth or sponge. If necessary, use warm soapy water on stubborn spots; however be sure to rinse away all residue afterward.

Additionally, check for clogged drain holes at the bottom back of your freezer as this could be another cause for excessive frost accumulation.

Once all of the frost has been cleared out, ensure that nothing is blocking any vents or preventing proper airflow within your freezer section by moving food items around and cleaning shelves off when needed.

Make sure you have also checked whether your internal temperature settings are correctly set too high which could lead to excess moisture build-up inside your unit as well since higher temperatures tend to produce more condensation than lower ones do.

Keep in mind that after clearing everything out you may need to wait up to 24 hours before ice production resumes again due to how long it takes fridges typically take cool down again after being turned off earlier on during this process though!

Professional Repair Service for Inoperable Ice Makers:

Modern refrigerators are equipped with an in-door ice maker for convenience, but this component can malfunction and stop producing ice.

Professional repair service is the most efficient way to fix an inoperable ice maker.

Trained engineers have extensive experience working with Frigidaire refrigerators, so they understand how each component works together and can quickly diagnose any issues.

They will use specially designed tools to access and inspect the inner workings of the refrigerator’s cooling system, check connections between components and examine electrical wiring for loose connections or shorts that may be causing problems.

Once a fault has been identified, technicians can correct it quickly and safely by replacing defective parts or making necessary repairs.

Professional repair services also provide maintenance checks on all aspects of your appliance to ensure continued optimal performance.

This includes cleaning coils inside your refrigerator as well as assessing water supply lines for blockages or wear-and-tear damage that could impede efficiency over time.

By scheduling regular professional servicing sessions you can rest assured that your Frigidaire fridge is always running at its best—leaving you free from unnecessary stress caused by persistent faults with appliances around the home!

Why is my frigidaire ice maker not making ice?

If your Frigidaire refrigerator is not making ice, but it still dispenses water, there are several possible causes.

The most common issue is a blocked or clogged water line. This can happen if the shut-off valve isn’t completely closed or if food particles get lodged in the supply line.

The icemaker’s water fill tube may need to be cleaned as well. If this tube gets blocked with frozen water then the fill valve won’t open and new ice cubes can’t be made. Cleaning it out will help restore its functionality so that new ice can be produced again.

Another cause of an icemaker malfunction could be a faulty thermostat or electric control board which regulates temperature levels within the freezer compartment and triggers when additional cubes should be created according to usage levels inside the fridge.

It’s important to test these components with a multimeter first before attempting any repairs as they’re delicate and easily damaged by improper installation techniques or tools like pliers or screwdrivers being used on them instead of specialized instruments designed for electronics troubleshooting purposes only .

Lastly, check for signs of leakage around any hoses connected to either side of your icemaker unit itself.

This area might require sealing up with caulk if you notice moisture seeping out from between joins in order to prevent further damage occurring due to frost buildup over time leading eventually towards complete system failure down track after extended periods without maintenance attention given regularly throughout its lifetime use span.


In conclusion, if your Frigidaire refrigerator is not making ice but the water works, it could be due to a few different issues.

The most common cause is a clogged filter, which can be easily replaced. Other potential causes include a faulty ice maker, a broken water inlet valve, or a faulty water line.

If you are unable to diagnose and repair the issue yourself, it is best to contact a professional appliance repair technician for assistance.

With the right diagnosis and repair, you can get your Frigidaire refrigerator back to making ice in no time.


Q1. Why is my Frigidaire ice maker slow at making ice?

The speed of ice production can be affected by low water pressure, a dirty water filter, or incorrect freezer temperature settings. Ensure proper water pressure, replace the filter if necessary, and set the freezer temperature between 0-5°F.

Q2. Can a dirty water filter cause my Frigidaire ice maker to stop working?

Yes, a clogged or dirty water filter can restrict water flow to the ice maker, preventing it from making ice. Replacing the filter is a simple solution that can restore ice production.

Q3. How often should I replace my Frigidaire refrigerator’s water filter to maintain ice production?

It’s recommended to replace your refrigerator’s water filter every six months to ensure clean water and consistent ice production, although usage and water quality can affect this timeframe.

Q4. Why does my Frigidaire refrigerator dispense water but not fill the ice tray?

This issue could be due to a frozen or clogged water-fill tube, a malfunctioning water inlet valve, or the ice maker itself. Inspect and unclog the fill tube, and consider professional help for valve or ice maker issues.

Q5. What should I do if my Frigidaire ice maker is making ice, but it’s not ejecting into the bin?

This problem might be caused by a malfunctioning motor or a stuck ejector arm. Try resetting the ice maker; if that doesn’t work, the ice maker or its components may need to be replaced.

Q6. Can the freezer temperature affect my Frigidaire ice maker’s performance?

Absolutely. If the freezer temperature is set too high (above 5°F), it can slow down ice production or prevent the ice maker from making ice. Ensure your freezer is set to the recommended temperature range of 0-5°F for optimal ice-making.

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